How We Support Nonprofits

The Mankato Area Foundation (MAF) offers support beyond the grant to our region's nonprofits through various services and funds. One topic continually on the minds of all nonprofit organizational leaders is organizational goals. Those goals might include financial stability, improving efforts to achieve your organizational mission, raising funds for upgrades or improvements, etc.

We support and collaborate with those organizations by offering Agency Funds, Fiscal Sponsorships and our Consultant in Residency program.


Once a local nonprofit organization has identified they have investible assets, the organization may partner with MAF by establishing an agency fund for placement of those assets. Through this partnership, the Foundation pools and invests the organization's assets with those of the Foundation, thereby providing responsible and professional management. Learn More


Through a fiscal sponsorship, MAF partners with mission-driven groups looking to advance innovative projects and programs or those finding solutions to unique community challenges. This formal relationship allows MAF, acting as the fiscal sponsor, to provide tax-exempt status to select groups engaged in activities that align with the Foundation’s mission. Most often, fiscal sponsorship is used by organizations, individuals or collaborations who are facilitating a short-term project but want an alternative to becoming their own nonprofit organization. Learn More


The goal of Shared Spaces is to increase capacity and effectiveness of the region's nonprofit sector and philanthropic donors by providing low-cost office space. The newest nonprofit center, Shared Spaces at Emy Frentz, is currently leasing for small nonprofits. If you know of a small nonprofit looking for high-quality office space and increased visibility in the community, please connect with us!


The Consultant in Residency is a grant opportunity that gives organizations access to a nonprofit strategist by providing three tracks of assistance ranging from prearranged office hours, small group training/coaching, and individualized workshops for nonprofit leadership. Learn More


Many nonprofits struggle with board governance and, as a result, are unable to realize the full benefit a board can—and should—generate in service of its mission. Often the challenges are multiple and ongoing, whether it is inspiring and engaging board members where they can add the greatest value, creating policies and procedures to ensure fiduciary responsibility, accountability and the board’s self-perpetuation, or building an effective partnership with the Executive Director. Learn More

Telling Our Story


Connecting the Dots

Behind all of the incredible work that nonprofit organizations do to support the Greater Mankato community, are the people who make it all happen. The decision-making, planning, fundraising and distribution of services for any group is no small set of tasks. These organizations face the same realities as for-profit businesses: expenses, staffing, generating revenue and providing a product or service to an end user. Read More