523 S 2nd St
Mankato, MN 56001
523 S 2nd St
Mankato, MN 56001
Shared Spaces at Emy Frentz

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Venue Events
- Introduction to Inter-Generational Transfer of Wealth
- Nonprofit Networking Meeting
- Nonprofit Networking Meeting
- Nonprofit Networking Meeting
- Nonprofit Networking Meeting
- Nonprofit Network Meeting (CLOVE)
- The Nonprofit Board’s Role in Fundraising
- Leadership Partnership: Nonprofit Board Chair and Key Staff
- The Three Modes of Nonprofit Governance
- Nonprofit Lifecycles and Board Recruitment
- Back to Basics: Responsibilities of Nonprofit Board Members
- Nonprofit Boards: Purpose and Policies
- Nonprofit Network Meeting (CLOVE)
- Nonprofit Network Meeting (CLOVE)
- Photographic Journeys by Jonathan Zierdt
- Women’s Giving Circle
- Women’s Giving Circle
- Community Collage