Doing Well By Doing Good

MANKATO MAGAZINE (July 2014)—The Mankato Area Foundation was in the Mankato Magazine in the featured article by Tim Krohn about philanthrophy in Mankato. Read the full article


Mankato Area Foundation Announces Fall Grant Recipents

MANKATO, MN (January 8, 2014)—The Mankato Area Foundation (MAF) announces grant recipients for the second funding cycle in 2013. A total of $43,600 was awarded to local nonprofit organizations to support local projects. Community Grants include: Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota – Whiz Bang Tinker Tables, $4,000; North Mankato Taylor


Zallek Leads the Rejuvenated Mankato Area Foundation

MANKATO FREE PRESS (December 9, 2013)—The Mankato Area Foundation was featured in the Mankato Free Press, announcing their gift today of a skating rink to the City of Mankato.  The rink will be an addition to Sibley Park and will be made of a synthetic material allowing it to be


Mankato Area Foundation To Make Major Gift Announcement

MANKATO, MN (September 10, 2013)—Mankato Area Foundation announced their gift today of a skating rink to the City of Mankato. The rink will be an addition to Sibley Park and will be made of a synthetic material allowing it to be operational during our winter months- regardless of the weather


Mankato Area Foundation Announces Fall Grant Deadline

MANKATO, MN (August 20, 2013)—The Mankato Area Foundation (MAF) has announced their fall grant application deadline as October 1, 2013. MAF is now requiring all applications to be submitted online. The link to submit applications is located at MAF awards grants from its Community Fund twice annually for new


Mankato Area Foundation Announces 2013 Scholarship Recipents

MANKATO, MN (June 5, 2013)—The Mankato Area Foundation (MAF) has named the recipients of the Ogden W. and Jane M. Confer Scholarship, the Marlyn R. Heintz Scholarships, the Dustin Lemke Memorial Scholarships, the Jenny Schugel Memorial Scholarships and the Thin Film Technology scholarships. The Ogden W. and Jane M. Confer Scholarship has been


Mankato Area Foundation Annouces Spring 2013 Grant Recipents

MANKATO, MN (June 4, 2013)—The Mankato Area Foundation (MAF) announces grant recipients for the fall funding cycle. Over $134,000 in requests were received, $45,100 was awarded to local non-profit organizations to support local projects. The Grantees are: City Center Partnership – Traffic Signal Cabinet Mural Project, $2,500; Greater Mankato Diversity


Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota Receives Largest Gift in Foundation’s History Through the Dotson Family Fund

MANKATO, MN (June 4, 2013)—Mankato Area Foundation presented a check for $500,000 today to the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota. This is the largest single gift donated from the Foundation to a local nonprofit organization. The contribution was granted through the Dotson Family Fund of the Mankato Area Foundation that
