Mankato Area Foundation Annouces Spring 2013 Grant Recipents

MANKATO, MN (June 4, 2013)—The Mankato Area Foundation (MAF) announces grant recipients for the fall funding cycle. Over $134,000 in requests were received, $45,100 was awarded to local non-profit organizations to support local projects. The Grantees are: City Center Partnership – Traffic Signal Cabinet Mural Project, $2,500; Greater Mankato Diversity


Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota Receives Largest Gift in Foundation’s History Through the Dotson Family Fund

MANKATO, MN (June 4, 2013)—Mankato Area Foundation presented a check for $500,000 today to the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota. This is the largest single gift donated from the Foundation to a local nonprofit organization. The contribution was granted through the Dotson Family Fund of the Mankato Area Foundation that
