Investing for Good.
The overall investment strategy of The Mankato Area Foundation is to preserve and enhance the charitable purchasing power of our funds over time. To accomplish this, we retain an independent investment advisor who works with MAF’s Investment Committee to invest our funds pursuant to our Investment Policy. To see a copy of our Investment Policy Statement click here.
Our Commitment
"The Mankato Area Foundation recognizes stewardship of assets entrusted to us as one of our most important responsibilities. I am proud to chair the committee that oversees the investment of assets. This committee is made up of highly qualified individuals from this area—representing the legal, investment, accounting and wealth management fields. The Foundation invests the assets so that the earnings and appreciation can be used for future grants. We adhere to high standards of operational excellence and an investment policy that is regularly reviewed, updated and approved by the Foundation’s board of directors. "
- Seth Ferkenstad, Investment Committee Chair