Mankato Area Foundation awards $300,000 in Taylor Grants to address regional food insecurity
Mankato, MN (November 21, 2024) — The Mankato Area Foundation (MAF) has awarded two grants totaling $300,000 to help address regional food insecurity.
Mankato Area Foundation returns and Maureen brings Josie with The Fillin’ Station!
Radio Mankato (November 11, 2024) — Mankato Area Foundation returns and Maureen brings Josie with The Fillin’ Station! They will be taking part in the Mustache Bash competition with a surprising COFFEE DRINK!! Listen to learn more about what new things they are up to.
Our View: Community: Mankato philanthropy offers a message beyond the money
Mankato Free Press (October 27, 2024)—A remarkable series of fortunate events is playing out in Mankato again. The city of Mankato, with the help of residents, has assembled a “wish list” of amenities the city would like to add but do not have room for in its budget while keeping
Maureen Gustafson from Mankato Area Foundation comes in to talk about the 2024 Mankato Community Collage
KTOE (September 9, 2024) — 2024 Mankato Community Collage is coming to fruition this week. Maureen stops in with Photographer Josh Madson to let us know about the community event that took a village to pull off!
Mankato Area Foundation celebrates 50 years with Community Collage
Mankato, MN (April 9, 2024) — The Mankato Area Foundation (MAF) is welcoming the community to get a sneak peek of the newly renovated Shared Spaces at Emy Frentz during the Mankato Art Crawl on Saturday, April 13, 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Mankato Community Collage 2, the sequel; or MCC2, electric boogaloo
Mankato Free Press (September 7, 2024)—About a year ago, Josh Madson — the black-capped, bespectacled, ebullient transplant from Fargo by way of Los Angeles—sat in a booth at the Coffee Hag in Mankato’s Old Town and wondered. Would his ambitious plan to cover this coffee shop’s walls with black-and-white portraits
Hockey Day Minnesota 2022 Grow the Game Fund Grants $50,000 to Mankato Area Hockey Association (MAHA) and Pledges Additional $50,000 in Matching Funds
Mankato, MN (August 27, 2024)—The Hockey Day Minnesota (HDM) 2022 Grow the Game Fund of the Mankato Area Foundation announced its largest grant since its inception to support the mission of growing the game of youth hockey in the Greater Mankato Area.
Maureen Gustafson from Mankato Area Foundation comes in to talk about “BENCHS”
KTOE (August 12, 2024) — Maureen Gustafson from Mankato Area Foundation comes in to talk about “BENCHS”
Maureen Gustafson from Mankato Area Foundation comes in to talk about “Blingo Bingo”
KTOE (July 8, 2024) — This event is taking place to honor people with cancer and cancer survivors; all proceeds will go to the Jonathan Zierdt Cancer Fund in support of cancer education, and support to send out JZ Caring Boxes to cancer patients throughout the region.